The Ball

The Cause





The Hostesses


9-18-07: Date has been moved to January 26th; negotiations resume for Montazuma Hall at SDSU

10-01-07: Negotiations begin for the cafeteria at Morse High School. Ticket and Bracelet Sales begin. Auditions for Bands and Singers will take place in the Room at SCPA on Thursday October 25th, For those who cannot make it you can send Chrystina eithert a CD or a music file to her e-mail.

10-29-07: Auditions Postponed until the 6th of November. Deadline for sent in music is November 14th. Joes Crab Shack banquet Postponed until November 8th at Hazard Center.

1-8-08: The Date of The Ball is perminently changed to February 29th, 2008.

1-22-08: Rehersal for Bands, Singers, and Speakers on February 8th, 2008 from 2:45-5pm at Morse High School 6905 Skyline Drive San Diego, CA 92114.

Currently we are in need of:

A location (if you have any ideas or recomindations, let us know)
Food (Any food donated will need to be delivered a couple hours before the ball)
Tables & Chairs
Table Cloths
Essentials such as forks, plates, cups, ect.

Click Here to fill out Donation Form

Thank you for your donation

Hosts: 3


Donations: $336

Bracelets Sold: 17

Tickets sold: 19